Take Action

Action items:

(1) Pay attention to local issues and VOTE! Local government elected officials have a lot of say in land use decisions. Fewer people vote for local nonpartisan candidates, so your vote matters even more. You can check your district and polling place on the Minnesota Secretary of State website here. Consider running for local elected office yourself!

(2) Check out our “About Us” video and our FAQ page. Please consider making a donation! You can also shop at our Store and help spread the word! Funds go towards local youth and school group activities, legal fees, and ultimately towards protecting natural areas. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax deductible.

(3) Spread the word! Discuss saving the rookery with your friends & neighbors and engage on our Facebook Group, on Twitter, and Instagram! You can also write a letter to the editor of the newspaper, such as the Post Bulletin.

Watch this space for updates!


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Pavilion Estates is Pavilion Mistakes